Choosing the right savings account can feel overwhelming with so many options available. The best fit for you will depend on your financial goals, how soon you might need access to your money, and the level of flexibility you require. At Oculus Business Investment, we offer a range of savings accounts designed to suit different needs: fixed-term, easy access, and notice accounts. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide.
We are now squarely in “ISA Season”, so you’ve likely read multiple articles about the most competitive ISA products in the market and how best to make the most of your ISA allowance before the end of the tax year. But what is an ISA, and why should you take advantage of it? Tax-efficient […]
Got the desire and the best intention to reach your savings goals but not sure how to get there? If you’re planning on, and are committed to, making a change to achieve your savings goals then you’re already on the right track. With the right mindset you can achieve this, all you need is a […]
Last week it was announced that we’d won ‘Best Savings Provider for Existing Customers‘ at the 2023 Savings Champion Awards. We’re always thrilled to win awards (who isn’t), but this one was especially important to us, not least because it was a complete surprise. It was a surprise not because we don’t deserve it, but […]
With just a couple of months remaining in 2022, now is a great time to reflect back upon the wins you’ve had this year and what is worth carrying forwards with you into 2023. The best businesses are constantly adapting to continue their successes and stay tuned into what is working well for them. Continued […]
It’s always important to have a nest egg to fall back on, but it can be hard to make these savings a priority and keep track of them. And in a time where we’re all spending many more hours on our phones, why not take a few minutes to get on top of your savings […]