Accessibility at Oculus Business Investment

We want to make sure everyone can access the products and services we offer.
This includes customers with: 

  • Sight loss or visual impairment 
  • Difficulty with hearing or speech 
  • Difficulty with numbers or reading 

At Oculus Business Investment, we want to ensure that our products and services are accessible to everyone, including those who may be hard of hearing or have speech or sight disabilities. We have already taken several steps to do this which are outlined below but realise there is still more to do in this area and welcome any suggestions from our customers. 

 Sight services 

AbilityNet is a Charity, registered in England and Wales, registration number 1067673, and in Scotland registration number SC039866. 

AbilityNet enables you to change the text size in your web browser settings and self-serve accessibility options to navigate round our website. To find out how, visit AbilityNet’s My Computer My Way. 

Hearing or speech services 

If you have a Textphone or computer with the appropriate software, you can use our Text Relay service, or the Relay UK Service that has replaced it, to access our services. 

You can dial 180011 from your Textphone or computer and then enter our phone number. An operator from Relay UK will join in the call and read your written request to us. 

The service operators are bound by confidentiality and are acting on your behalf, so you can share the secure details needed for identification and verification question. 

If you have any questions regarding these services please contact us at 074 2613 3810 or email us at [email protected]