These additional terms and conditions apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions unless stated otherwise. “Account” in these additional terms and conditions refers to a Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker Account only.
These Product Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) apply to you when you hold a Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account with us. You should make sure that you read these T&Cs carefully as they contain important information and form part of the contractual agreement between you and us (along with the General T&Cs and your Key Product Information document).
Your Key Product Information should be read together with and forms part of these Product T&Cs. If there is a conflict between the General T&Cs and these Product T&Cs, then these Product T&Cs shall take priority.
When we use ‘savings account’ in these terms and conditions, we mean your Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account only and when we use spread in these terms and conditions, we mean the rate that is added or subtracted to the Bank of England Base Rate. Any other terms in bold shall have the same meaning as contained in the General T&Cs.
This account is only open to individuals and not for joint account holders.
1. Interest rates
1.1 You can find the latest interest rate applicable to your savings account at this link.
1.2 The interest rate (AER %) applicable to your savings account is calculated in accordance with the Bank of England base rate plus or minus a spread. You can find the latest Bank of England base rate here.
1.3 Following a change to the Bank of England base rate, the interest rate will remain unchanged for the remainder of that calendar month. On the 1st calendar day of the subsequent month, your interest rate on your savings account will be updated to reflect the relevant movement to the Bank of England base rate.
1.4 The interest rate spread on your savings account is variable (see section 3 for more information about notification of changes). This means we can increase or reduce the interest rate spread at any time, for one or more of the following reasons:
a) to reflect changes in market conditions;
b) to respond to legitimate cost increases or reductions associated with providing the product or service;
c) to respond proportionately to changes in applicable laws, regulation, legislation, guidance, decision, or any other requirement of any court, ombudsman, regulator, or any other government authority in any jurisdiction; or
d) for any other valid reason, not stated above.
1.5 Your savings account will start generating interest no later than one business day from when we receive and apply your first deposit to your savings account. The interest will be calculated on a minimum daily balance and will be applied to your savings account on the first day of every month. To illustrate how this might work in practice:
a) for a new account – if you initially fund your account with two transactions on the same day, the first transaction amounting to £1,000 and the second transaction amounting to £2,000:
(i) interest will begin to accrue on the day we receive and apply your funds on the minimum daily balance of £1,000; and
(ii) from the next day, the minimum daily balance would be £3,000 and your interest would be calculated on that balance, subject to no further transactions taking place on the account during this period,
b) for existing accounts:
(i) if you have an existing balance of £5,000 and you deposit £3,000 on the same day, interest will be calculated on £5,000, and from the next day the interest would be calculated on £8,000 subject to no further transactions taking place on the account during this period.
(ii) if the balance is £0 and you deposit £3,000, interest will be calculated on £0, and then from the next day interest would be calculated on £3,000 subject to no further transaction taking place on the account during this period.
(iii) if you have an existing balance of £0 and you transfer £3,000 from another Oculus Business Investment account, and then the same amount is transferred out to another Oculus Business Investment account on the same day, the minimum daily balance will remain at £0 meaning no interest will accrue for this day on that account. From the next day, interest would be calculated on the new balance of £3,000 on the account the funds have been transferred into.
2. Withdrawal of funds
2.1 You can trigger a withdrawal from your savings account to your nominated bank account via online banking, the mobile app, email or by calling us – our contact details are at this link.
2.2 You cannot withdraw money from this savings account until you have set and served the mandatory minimum notice period. Note. There may be exceptional circumstances, due to events outside your control that you could not have reasonably foreseen when you opened the account, where we may allow you to withdraw your funds and close your savings account early. For further information, please see section 5 below.
2.3 There may be other restrictions applying to your savings account including the following.
a) The minimum withdrawal amount is £1.
b) You can only withdraw up to your savings account balance. If you try to withdraw more than this, we will reject your request.
c) If you make a full balance withdrawal request, you won’t be able to add any additional funds to your savings account until the full balance withdrawal has been paid into your nominated bank account.
d) We may impose limits on the maximum withdrawal amount you can make. If this does apply, we will notify you at least 30 days before this change takes effect.
2.4 If your notice period expires on a non-business day (such as a Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday), the funds will be sent back to your nominated bank account on the next business day.
2.5 The full relevant minimum notice period for a 95 Day Notice savings account is 95 days and the full relevant minimum notice period for a 125 Day Notice savings account is 125 days.
2.6 If you submit a withdrawal request, neither the date of withdrawal nor the amount of withdrawal can be amended. If you submit a withdrawal request and are serving the relevant notice period, it is not possible to extend the relevant notice period on the withdrawal request. For example, if the relevant notice period is 95 days, it is not possible to contact us after 80 days and request the notice period is extended by another 20 days. Rather, it is only possible to cancel a withdrawal request and then resubmit a new withdrawal request and serve the full relevant minimum notice period.
2.7 You may submit a withdrawal notice for the full relevant notice period to begin in the future. For example, if you have a 95 Day Notice savings account, but you want your funds to be withdrawn in 105 days, you may submit a withdrawal notice for 95 days to begin in 10 days’ time. This means that when you submit a withdrawal notice for the full relevant notice period to begin in the future, this will not start on the day when you submit your withdrawal notice but from the future date that you selected when you submitted a withdrawal notice for the full relevant notice period to begin in the future. If you cancel a withdrawal notice for the full relevant notice period to begin in the future, you will have to submit a new withdrawal notice for the full relevant notice period to withdraw your funds.
2.8 If you submit a withdrawal request via online banking or the mobile app, you can cancel this via online banking or the mobile app, or you can contact us by email or telephone request to cancel this for you.
2.9 If you submit a withdrawal request via email or telephone request, this can only be cancelled via email or telephone request.
2.10 If a withdrawal request has been made, interest will be calculated on the total amount until, but not including the day of the withdrawal.
3. Notification of changes
3.1 If the Bank of England Base Rate changes, we will notify you within 3 business days of the new rate applicable to your account and the effective date of this. This will take effect from the first calendar day of the following month.
3.2 If we change the interest rate spread on your savings account, which results in your interest rate increasing, the change will take effect on the first day of the next calendar month – in some cases, we will apply this increase with immediate effect. We will also email you about the increase as soon as we can and in any event within 30 calendar days of the change taking effect.
3.3 If we change the interest rate spread on your savings account, which results in your interest rate decreasing:
a) we will notify you via email at least 14 calendar days in advance of the reduction taking effect in addition to the notice period. For example, for a 95 days’ account, we will notify you at least 109 days (95 days’ notice as per account type + 14 days’ notice) before the change of the spread; and
b) you will have an option to close your savings account without incurring charges or loss of interest, or switch to another Oculus Business Investment account subject to the relevant product terms and conditions by contacting us.
4. Transferring money between your Oculus Business Investment accounts
4.1 You can request via online banking or our mobile app or by contacting us to transfer funds from an existing Easy Access, Easy Access Limited Edition or Personal Notice account to a Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account.
a) If you have an Easy Access account or Easy Access Limited Edition account, you can transfer funds from this account to the 95 or 125-day savings account instantly.
b) If you have a 35, 90 or 120-day Personal Notice account and are transferring to a 95 or 125-day savings account that has the same or longer notice period, you can transfer funds from this account to the 95 or 125-day savings account instantly.
c) If you have a 35, 90 or 120-day Personal Notice account and are transferring to a 95 or 125-day savings account that does not have the same or longer notice period, you can transfer funds from this account to the 95 or 125-day savings account after serving the relevant notice period.
(i) If you are transferring from an existing funded Personal Notice account to a new unfunded Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account, we will extend the funding period of your Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account to allow the transfer to be completed after serving the relevant notice period.
(ii) If the transfer is cancelled, your funding period will be the later of 14 days from the approval date of your savings account or the following business day.
4.2 You can request via online banking or our mobile app or by contacting us to transfer funds from an existing Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account to an Easy Access, Easy Access Limited Edition or Personal Notice account.
a) If you have a 95 or 125-day Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account you can transfer funds from this account to the 35, 90 or 120-day Personal Notice account or Easy Access account or Easy Access Limited Edition account after serving the relevant notice period and in line with the T&Cs of the destination account.
4.3 If you are transferring from a Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account to another Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account, you are not permitted to transfer your Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account to an older Issue number than your existing Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account. For example:
a) If you have a 95-day Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account Issue 2, you are permitted to transfer this to any subsequent Issues of the 95-day Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account. (i.e. Issues 3 onwards)
b) You would not be permitted to transfer a 95-day Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account to any historic issues (i.e. Issue 1)
4.4 There may be instances where your transfer request may not be available to you in online banking or the mobile app. This may include but is not limited to, if you have different nominated bank accounts linked to the Oculus Business Investment accounts you wish to transfer funds between.
4.5 It is not possible to transfer funds from any Oculus Business Investment joint account to a Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker and it is not possible to transfer funds from a Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker to any Oculus Business Investment joint account.
4.6 Once the transfer is complete, your existing Oculus Business Investment account from which you are transferring funds may remain open for at least 14 calendar days in case you choose to cancel your new savings account to allow funds to be returned to the previous Oculus Business Investment account from which they were transferred.
4.7 Once we receive your transfer request, should this be a full balance transfer request, any pending withdrawal/transfer requests will be cancelled. If you add any new funds to your account whilst you are serving notice on your full balance transfer request, you may need to serve a new notice period for the new funds which have been added.
4.8 If you request a partial balance transfer of funds from one of your active Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account(s) to another one of your applicable Oculus Business Investment accounts, then you will only be able to transfer an amount of the balance that does not already have another partial balance withdrawal placed on the account.
a) For example, if you have £10,000 in your originating Personal Notice Base Rate Tracker savings account, and a pending partial withdrawal request set for £7,000, you can transfer up to £3,000 without cancelling the pending partial withdrawal. However, if you wish to transfer more than £3,000, you will need to first cancel the pending withdrawal of £7,000, and then submit a new withdrawal notice.
4.9 Please note that if you cancel any existing withdrawal or transfer request, you will have to serve a new notice period.
5. Right to cancel your account(s)
5.1 You have the right to cancel your savings account provided that you email or call us (using the details at this link) within 14 calendar days from:
a) the date you opened your savings account and made your first deposit; or
b) if later, when you first received the Product T&Cs,
5.2 If you exercise your right to cancel:
a) we will return any money deposited in your savings account to your nominated bank account without interest; however
b) if you have opened your savings account by transferring funds from another notice savings account with us without serving the required notice, and you want to cancel from the date of the transfer, we will return your transferred funds back to the original savings account from which you had transferred the funds. If you cancel in this way, you will not receive any interest and we will not backdate to the date of transfer.
c) If you choose to cancel your account and transfer your funds to a new Oculus Business Investment savings account, the funds will be transferred without interest.
5.3 If we receive your request to cancel the agreement and close your savings account on a business day, the money will be sent back to your nominated bank account on the following business day. If we receive your request on a non-business day, the money will be sent back to your nominated bank account within 2 business days.
5.4 If we don’t cancel your account within the relevant period above as outlined in 5.1, you will need to serve the relevant notice period that applied to your account before a withdrawal can be made.
6. Closing your savings account
How you can close your savings account
6.1 If you would like to close your savings account, please notify us via email or telephone. We will send you (and the other account holder if you have a joint account) an account closure statement by email when we close your account.
a) If you submit a savings account closure request, you will need to serve the full relevant minimum notice period before your savings account can be closed.
b) If an account closure request is cancelled, the cancelled closure request cannot be reinstated, and you will have to submit and serve a new account closure request for the full relevant minimum notice period.
c) If you submit an account closure request, the date of closure cannot be amended. If you submit an account closure request and are serving the relevant notice period, you won’t be able to extend this. For example, if the relevant notice period is 95 days, it is not possible to contact us after 80 days and request the notice period is extended by another 20 days. It is only possible to cancel an account closure request and then resubmit a new account closure request and serve the full relevant minimum notice period.
6.2 You cannot add any additional funds into your savings account, where you have already submitted an account closure request.
6.3 There may be exceptional circumstances, due to events outside your control that you could not have reasonably foreseen when you opened the savings account, where we may allow you to close your savings account early and withdraw your funds to prevent you experiencing hardship. This includes where, in the case of a joint account, one account holder experiences hardship.
a) For these purposes, ‘hardship’ includes the diagnosis of a terminal illness, bankruptcy, insolvency, or sequestration. Please note that a house purchase is not classified as a case of hardship.
b) If you are experiencing hardship, and you need access to the money in your savings account before the notice period expires, you should write to us and provide us with information about your circumstances.
c) We will ask you for documents to support this. If you do not provide suitable documentary evidence of hardship, or the documents you provide, in our opinion, does not evidence hardship you will not be able to close the savings account before the notice date. In our assessment we may consider a number of factors including the foreseeability of an event (please note a house purchase is not classified as a case of hardship).
d) If we do agree to your request to close your account without waiting out the mandatory minimum notice period, interest will be calculated on the total amount until, but not including the day of the withdrawal.
e) If the documentary evidence that you provide, evidences hardship that would require access to a partial amount from your account we may allow you to withdraw a partial amount from your account. If we agree to this withdrawal on a business day, the money will be sent back to your nominated bank account on the following business day. If we agree to this withdrawal on a non-business day such as a Saturday, Sunday or a bank holiday, the money will be sent back to your nominated bank account within 2 business days.
How we can close your savings account:
6.4 We can also close your savings account where your balance stays at £0 for 6 months or more. We will contact you at least 6 weeks before we close it using the email address you gave us. The closed account cannot be reopened.